“Fight Like a Girl” Photo Contest

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month in the US, Surfside Realty would like to do our part to give hope to those suffering with this terrible disease that impacts 1 out of every 8 women. We wanted to highlight one of these magnificent women, Rena Holmes, and tell you a little about her story. 

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in December of 2010. I had a double mastectomy in January of 2011. I struggled for several months with complications but my faith, family and friends brought me through.  My doctor was confident that my cancer would not return. In April of 2013, I was again diagnosed with Breast Cancer. The cancer had come back more aggressive than before, I subsequently went through a second mastectomy,and lymph node dissection. Then followed chemotherapy and radiation starting in may of 2013. My chemotherapy ended recently in August of 2014. I continue to have complications from the surgeries, radiation and scar tissue. But,  again my faith and trust in my Lord and Savior and extremely supportive family and friends have allowed me to continue to push forward. I am so grateful for each day and so looking forward to being a part of the "pink out" contest hosted by Surfside Realty in honor or Breast Cancer Awareness month!!  Let’s do this!!!  Can’t wait to see you all dressed in PINK!!!  I would like to take this opportunity also to thank the family of Surfside Realty for continuously supporting me through my fight….I love you, everyone!!!




To show our support for the thousands of women out there who’ve gone through the same or similar experiences as Rena, we’re going to do a "Fight Like a Girl" photo contest. To participate, you need to submit your own "Pink Out" pictures, either as an individual, a group, a family, a business or any other combination you can think of. Rena will pick her favorite photos and the 1st place winner will receive a $100 Visa gift card! 2nd & 3rd prize will receive a Surfside Realty beach towel & koozie set. You can submit photos below, on Facebook, or on Twitter using the hashtag #Pink4Rena to win! Contest ends 10/31/14 at 11:59 pm.

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