Tips for Taking Better Vacation Photos

Beach vacations allow families to build lasting memories and the best way to capture those memories is with a photo. Whether you’re using a high-powered Nikon camera or your iPhone, here are some tips for taking better vacation photos.

1. Make sure your camera or phone is charged.

This may seem like an unnecessary tip, but it’s easy to get wrapped up in your daily activities and forget to charge your devices. Before you leave your beach rental, charge everything. This way you won’t be left with a 5{b54bfb356ed24e5e16f3e1e051ea2fc47c3083b77bdf664367285760ff77110d} battery life, but 100{b54bfb356ed24e5e16f3e1e051ea2fc47c3083b77bdf664367285760ff77110d} of your memories to capture! Bonus points if you can get a mobile charger to plug in if you do get low.

2. Pass the camera around to everyone.

Make sure everyone is captured in your vacation photos. You don’t want to get stuck behind the camera your whole trip only to come home and realize there were no pictures captured of you.

Bonus: Passing the camera around also lends to a ton of different memories being captured. What you deem important memories on your trip may be different for your family members, so the photos they take will open your eyes to what they’re enjoying most about the trip.


3. Take landscape pictures.

Be sure to take some landscape pictures with your camera. This will ensure you capture all of the scenery.


4. Don’t forget to focus on the faces.

On occasion, zoom in to capture your family’s faces. The activities and scenery are great memories to hold onto, but zooming in on faces allows you to remember the feeling of awe and excitement that your family feels as they explore your beach destination.


5. Take a lot of candid shots.

The best tip for taking better vacation photos is to candid shots. This doesn’t mean just snap pictures whenever you want, but it does mean capture those moments where your family is focusing on the restaurants menu or are laughing at each others mini-golf fails. Be intentional with your candid shots.

Taking better vacation photos is all about being deliberate in your photo taking and capturing those moments that you know you’ll want to hold on to forever. What are your tips for taking better vacation photos? Share your beach vacation photos with us on our Facebook page!

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