The Great Turkey Search

We at Surfside Realty pride ourselves on rewarding our loyal guests who vacation with us year after year. With the busy holiday shopping season coming up, we thought we’d try and ease your load by offering you a chance to win $50! Introducing the "Great Turkey Search!" Here’s how it works.

  1. Somewhere on our website, we’ve hidden a picture of a turkey (like the one in the photo above).
  2. When you find the turkey, his name will be written above him. Leave a comment with his name on our Facebook page by 11:59 on 11/23.
  3. On 11/24, we’ll put the names of everyone who correctly guessed the turkey’s name into a bowl and randomly select 1 winner.
  4. That person wins $50! 

Consider this our holiday gift to you! Start clicking around our website to get started.

Good luck & happy holidays!

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