4 Tips On Unplugging From Work On Your Vacation

Sometimes maintaining a work-life balance feels more like trying to juggle while riding a unicycle. Between raising children, fighting for that new promotion and trying to keep some semblance of social life, we?re desperately in need of a good beach vacation. However, many adults find it difficult to fully disconnect from the office, even while they lounge on the beach. To get the most out of your next Myrtle Beach vacation, follow these four tips on unplugging from work:

Prepare beforehand

Your vacation may be marked on the calendar, but that doesn?t mean your coworkers will remember you?ll be gone. The week before you leave, be sure to reinform everyone you work with on a regular basis that you won?t be reachable. This gives them ample time to come to you with anything that needs to get done before your trip. The day before you leave, set up your out of office email reply, stating that you won?t be able to respond until your return date. It?s your responsibility to make sure all your work is done before you leave, but it?s your coworkers responsibility to manage without you while you work on your suntan.

Schedule a time to check emails

Some people may not have the luxury of leaving their work completely unattended while on vacation. If this is you, set yourself a schedule of when you will check your email each day. Check in each morning before you and your family head out and again each evening before dinner. If absolutely necessary, give your coworkers a phone number to reach you at if there is an emergency. You?ll still be up-to-date on the happenings in your office while still enjoying the rest of your day with your family.

Turn off notifications

If your phone is buzzing at you every time you?re copied in an email, you?ll never be able to fully relax. Go into your settings and disable notifications for your work related apps. If you don?t trust yourself not to check for updates, create a folder on your home screen with work apps titled ?do not open.? Remind yourself you?ll get online later in the evening to check in and don?t need to use your phone for anything but picture taking on the beach.

Remember, you deserve a vacation

Everyone deserves a break from their hard work every once in awhile. We become accustomed to balancing so many responsibilities that we often feel guilty when we stop to take time for ourselves. However, remember that you need time to relax and enjoy yourself in order to be the best coworker, parent and friend possible. The most important part of truly disconnecting from work while on vacation is acknowledging that you deserve a break. So, sit back and enjoy the sun, sand and waves with your loved ones, courtesy of Seaside Rentals.

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